Monday, May 11, 2020

The new normal.

I know it's only May but I feel like it's right to say 2020 has been concluded. It was unexpected, especially since everyone (if not most) has been anticipating this year. What a plot twist it is to have the year being put on hold like this. I know it's too early to say but I know things will be okay again soon biidhnillah. Before that happens, of course I would want to eternalize everything in this sphere of mine.

To be honest, things have been in my favour ever since the start of the partial lockdown (Movement Control Order). I have yet to go back to work because I had a 3-month maternity leave and before I could even resume work on the supposedly 1st April, we were to stay put at home as no one is allowed to go out freely anymore. It sucked at first, I was beyond sad because it happened on the week we were supposed to fly back to Miri with Ionas. But we stayed positive because it's risky to be carrying the small guy around when the world is not a safe place anymore.

But really, I was relieved too because I had been praying to God to "buka jalan" for me to be able to be with Ionas till he's at least 6 months old. I had seriously considered working from home then (when it's not the new normal to work from home just yet), and I even considered taking unpaid leave should my request got rejected by the management. But God is Great, I got myself an extended maternity leave instead with the MCO being imposed at the perfect time. Alhamdulillah.

Fast forward to 4 phases of MCO later, here we are, in the middle of the blessed month of Ramadan, I'm sitting right next to Sansan at 814 in the morning, doing our work. Well, I finished my work and so here I am writing this down. Ionas is 4 months 13 days old and we are together, alhamdulillah. Of course it is sad because we couldn't go for our usual Taraweeh, no bazaar Ramadan and we won't be able to celebrate Eid with our families (heart breaking into tiny pieces) but alhamdulillah for this extra time together and this good health.

For someone who loves trying new places to dine in, this is such a blow to my nafsu but indeed a humbling wake up call to my wallet. Good thing, of course but it is sad to only realize it through this pandemic. Yes, I can't believe I get to witness a pandemic but let's pray I get to live through it as well. Not just my family and I, but for you and your family as well. Wherever you are, hope you're staying safe and healthy.

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